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Let your bird friends know when they are in danger. Are you familiar with this flag that recognizes the Bison, the official state mammal where it's flown? Is this a flag you've seen proudly flown outside the home of one of the state's residents? Can you identify this flag that's based on the flag flown during the Bear Flag Revolt? A grizzly bear (once an important part of the ecosystem in the state) is featured on the flag of California. Part of Virginia prior to becoming a state, West Virginia split off from its parent state during the Civil War because residents in the western half of the state still supported the Union. In the flag design, the pelican feeds her young drops of blood, representing how the state's willing to make sacrifices for residents. The pelican is an important symbol for the people of Louisiana, which is why the bird's included on the state flag. The Big Dipper, a symbol for a bear, signifies the strength of the state, while the North Star represented that Alaska would eventually become a state even before it was admitted to the Union. The flag of West Virginia includes the year, 1863, that West Virginia was admitted into the Union.

The flag of Indiana includes a unique pattern of stars to represent its place in the Union. The three stars he included on the flag signify how the state's divided into the middle, east and west. The first 13 states to join the Union are represented by the outer stars, the five inner stars symbolize the next five states to join and the largest star signifies Indiana's place as the 19th state in the Union. Are you familiar with this flag where the state motto runs across the front? Some of the most famous dragon-themed artworks are the three Nine Dragon Walls located throughout China. Crops can be certified organic if they’re grown without prohibited substances such as most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides for three years prior to harvest. The flag of Connecticut contains three purple and green grapevines, which reference a seal used by the Saybrook Colony in the 1600s. The three vines symbolize Hartford, Windsor and Wethersfield, the oldest settlements in Connecticut. The earliest date, 1818, is when Illinois became a state, and the later date, 1868, is when the Great Seal of Illinois was designed with its current look. The seal on the flag honors the state's pioneer life in a multitude of ways, including a series of carriages and horses that show how settlers traveled such great distances.

Are you familiar with this flag that belongs to the "Show Me State"? Adopted in 1863, the flag of Wisconsin was created because regiments from the state who fought in the Civil War wanted a banner to carry into the field. Adopted in 1905, the flag of Tennessee was designed by LeRoy Reeves, who was a member of the Tennessee National Guard. Tighten the lug nuts. For instance, in a mayonnaise-based salad dressing, you may actually be better off by chucking the low-fat mayo and percale bed sheets going with regular. Luna told BBC News that in order to maintain her voice, she avoids talking too much on the days between performances and sticks to drinking water and ginger tea in the two hours before going onstage. Will the two dates on this flag tying the state to the American Revolution help you identify it? Will the cross pattern in this design help you identify it? An artist named Verna Keys created the design for the flag of Wyoming after she entered a contest hosted by the Daughters of the American Revolution.

This tree is important in the state's history because it was used at Fort Sullivan during the American Revolution to defend the fort against cannon fire from the British. Florida has an interesting history because the state was controlled by Spain, France and Great Britain at different times during the colonial period. One of the most important pioneers in the history of Kentucky was Daniel Boone, who is often believed to be the pioneer featured on the state flag. This state has the only flag with a shallowtail. However, he back four years later for two more fights before hanging the gloves up for good. Four or more of us would live in my apartment. Does that make you any more familiar with the flag? Instead, the bill was passed by the 3rd legislature of Arizona in 1917 to make the flag official. The flag of Arizona was adopted by the state even though it didn't receive the governor's approval. Michigan has gone through several state flags before settling on the current one in 1911. The original flag of Michigan included a picture of the first governor of Michigan, Stevens T. Mason, though the flag has been lost to time.